My maternal grandfather was born in Glasgow in 1920 but headed south to Lancashire upon his return from the Far East in World War 2 to settle in Bolton. I've never really traced his family - although he had three half brothers, I had met one of them once (at my grandad's fuenral) and spoken to another on the phone once.
Then out of the blue I got a call from my great aunt, wife of one of these half brothers. She said she'd heard that I had done a family tree and could she have one for her husband (now 80!)?
So I wrote up a little story about my great grandmother, mother to the four brothers. And decided to invest a wee bit of cash in finding out soem more about the Scottish clan. I used ScotlandsPeople and found the marriages of my grandad's brothers and the births of their children - my mother's first cousins. I also went back a few generations. All for about £18.
It's grand to see that I carry the same given name as several direct male ancestors, and to see how my middle name came down to me.
If various illegitimate births had been legitimate, by rights I should have Scossa as a middle name!